Bed Bug Exterminators Bronx NY

Bed Bug Exterminators Bronx NY

Early Signs of Bedbugs

The first sign of bedbugs may be small, itchy bites on your skin, often on your arms or shoulders. Bedbugs tend to leave clusters of bites rather than single bites here and there. But for some people, bedbug bites don’t cause any marks or itching.

You might also notice:

  • Blood spots on your sheets or mattress
  • Tiny pale yellow eggs or eggshells
  • Bedbug poop, black dots about the size of a period 
  • The bedbugs’ shed skin, which looks a lot like the bugs themselves
  • White, oval eggs that are about as big as an apple seed
  • A sweet, musty odor around your bed
  • Actual bedbugs in your bed

Bed Bug Exterminators Bronx NY